Risk Management

RISK KO 101: Data Privacy (RM-DP1)


As we live in a world where Information is the new oil and where Personal Data is considered a commodity, as RAFInians, we must be aware of the processing of personal data." Processing" is broadly defined and encompasses the collection, use, retention, storage and disposal of such data. Data Privacy should be observed every step of the way. This is a mandatory compliance to R.A. 10173 otherwise known as the Data Privacy Act of 2012. Aside from that, we are complying to manifest data integrity and fully-committed service to both internal and external customers.

As you go through this Data Privacy course, please reflect on two aspects: as someone whose own personal data is being processed (Data Subject) and as someone who collects and processes the personal data of other individuals (Personal Information Controller).

This Data Privacy course will be re-assigned to each user annually. This is a mandatory training for all RAFInians.

Standard Training Hours: 1 hour

  • Attendance Check
  • What is Data Privacy?
  • The Data Privacy Act of 2012
  • How Does It Affect Me?
  • Be DP Aware!
  • Principles of Data Privacy
  • Personally Identifiable Information
  • Finding My Role
  • Know the DP Rights!
  • Rights of a Data Subject
  • What Can I Do?
  • Incidents & Breaches
  • Punishable Acts under R.A. 10173
  • Reporting
  • Let's Simulate!
  • Controls & Measures in RAFI
  • Handle Personal Information With Care
  • Final Note
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: 1 year