Information Technology

IT Security Awareness 2021 (ITSEC21)

This course is aimed at creating a culture of security within RAFI, educating employees of the security threats to RAFI's information, how to avoid situations that might put the organization's data at risk, and where to report an IT security incident.

This is a required training for all RAFI employees and to be taken annually as a refresher. The course will be updated as needed.

Standard Training Hours: 1 hour
  • The Importance of IT Security Awareness
  • 101 Phishing
  • 101 Phishing Knowledge Check
  • 102 Social Engineering
  • 102 Social Engineering Knowledge Check
  • 103 Malware
  • 103 Malware Knowledge Check
  • 201 Password
  • 201 Password Knowledge Check
  • 202 Computer Security
  • 202 Computer Security Knowledge Check
  • 203 Web Usage
  • 203 Web Usage Knowledge Check
  • 204 Mobile Device Security
  • 204 Mobile Device Security Knowledge Check
  • Section 3
  • 301 Reporting a Security Incident
  • Fin
  • Training Evaluation Survey
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever