Risk Management

RISK KO 102: Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA-01)


Let's learn Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA).

In today's digital age, where data is at the heart of nearly everything we do, it's crucial to understand how we can protect the privacy of individuals and comply with data protection laws.

If you're designing a new product or service, or changing a process that involves personal information, you need to think about privacy. Issues around privacy can determine success or failure of project. Any project that involves personal information can be risky. If you ignore privacy, you could lose your customer's trust, damage your reputation, fail to meet community expectations. To help manage, minimize and eliminate these privacy risks, you will need to conduct a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA).

  • Introduction and Course Objectives
  • PART 1
  • Recall Data Privacy Relevant Definitions and Acronyms
  • Knowledge Check 1
  • Significance of Data Privacy in your Job
  • That concludes our Part 1
  • PART 2
  • Identify RAFI's Data Protection Officer
  • RAFI_PPPMST – PIA Template
  • Privacy Impact Assessment.mov
  • Relevance of the Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA)
  • Knowledge Check 2
  • PART 3
  • Pre-PIA Activity: Programs, Project, Process, Measure, System or Technology
  • PPPMST Scanning & Identification
  • Identification of Data Privacy Requirements per PPPMST
  • PPPMST Risk Factor Scoring
  • PPPMST - PIA Mapping
  • Determining of Priority PPPMST for PIA
  • PART 4
  • Objectives: Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA)
  • Identify the name and Description of your PPPMST
  • Table of Actors
  • PPPMST Personal Data Flow
  • PPPMST Personal Data Inventory
  • PART 5
  • How Does these PPPMST Benefit the Data Subject
  • PPPMST Threshold Analysis
  • Risk Assessment References
  • Inherent Risk Assessment and Risk Map
  • Existing Control Measures
  • Residual Risk Assessment, Risk Map and Risk Scoring
  • Future Control Measure and Scoring
  • PPPMST Conclusion and Summary
  • PART 6
  • Final Note
  • Attached your Privacy Impact Assessment Output
  • Knowledge Check 3
  • Did you learn from our session?
  • PART 7
  • Course Evaluation Form
  • Congratulations Learner!
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever